Fearless Feast


BBgranolabarGr…………………anola bars!  Blueberry!  Gluten Free Granola Bars!

Do you live with lovers of granola bars?  Those individuals that are always in a hurry/snack seekers/lovers of seemingly healthy morsels to nosh on at random times?

I assume you’ve noticed the increasing array of choices, as well as the way a handful of these beauties make you do a double take when the grocery checker gives you the total for that ONE bag of groceries!  Now, I must inquire… have you read the INGREDIENTS?  Some brands, actually ARE healthy, but, many sadly are not.

I’ve been playing around with some recipes.  This is today’s favorite!  The peanut butter ones disappeared before I could get any pictures.  I’m told they taste exactly like peanut butter cookies.  I’ll share that recipe soon.  You got this picture because I’m home alone.

  Gluten Free Blueberry Granola Bars

This recipe is also free of:  Dairy, nuts, soy, corn and processed sugar.  Don’t tell the fam, but they are even vegan…

1 1/2 Cups Toasted Gluten Free rolled oats                                                   (place on a baking sheet in a 350 degree oven, shaking occasionally, until lightly browned)

1 Cup pitted dates, emulsified in a food processor

3/4 Cup dried apricots, minced either with a food processor or by hand.  note:  I used unsulfured, but that’s a personal choice.

3/4 Cup dried blueberries

1/2 tsp kosher salt

1/3 C hot agave syrup

While the oats are in the oven, emulsify the dates and mince the apricots.  Place in a mixing bowl with the blueberries and salt.  When the oats are done, immediately add to the fruit mixture.  Heat the agave in the microwave until just about to boil.  Pour this into the bowl and mix everything together.  Press the granola mixture into a plastic wrap lined 8×8 baking dish.  Refrigerate.  When they are fully chilled and firm, cut into bars, wrap individually and put back into the fridge.

Caution:  Stampede Warning!

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